If you are interested in coaching a new team, fill out form: 

New Coach Form (online application) or (Download, print, and submit)*. 

*Send completed application to softballkearney@gmail.com and copy the executive board members (President, Vice President, Treasurer & Secretary).

Executive Board

Michael PohlPresident  308-440-3197pikeqb@gmail.com
Lindsey ObermillerVice President  308-325-7789lindseyobermiller15@gmail.com
Shelly MasonTreasurer  308-440-5336osmason@charter.net
Taylor StutzmanSecretary  308-224-0244taylor.stutzman@outlook.com
Kelsey RossMember at Large  308-627-6255bkross91215@yahoo.com

**KCGSA requires that 80% of each team roster must be made up of girls that do not live in a town that has its own competitve softball association and that live within a 40-mile radius of Kearney.**